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We often hold special events throughout the year with top nurseries, guest speakers and more!
For Pottery Skills Courses & Workshops - click here

Bargains Galore!

Half-Price Seconds Sale 

Friday 4th to Sunday 6th April - 10am to 4pm

Don't miss...

Annual Clearance of Seconds Flowerpots
ALL Half-Price or Less

Plus, plenty of ‘pot luck’ bargains, special offers on 'first flowerpots' and more....

Nursery Day at the Pottery

Daisy Roots Nursery 

Easter Saturday, 19th April - 10am to 4pm

Plants for sale at the Pottery by Daisy Roots Nursery. RHS Chelsea Gold Medal winners Daisy Roots Nursery will be selling a great selection of their hardy perennials and grasses, all grown in their Hertfordshire nursery.

  * Buy Quality Plants  * Chat to Daisy Roots Nursery  * Special Offers on Pots 

Nursery Day at the Pottery

Tynings Plants 

Saturday 3rd May - 10am to 4pm

Plants for sale at the Pottery by Tynings Plants. Tynings specialise in climbers. They are the holders of four National Collections: Passiflora, Jasminum, Mandevilla and Thunbergia, as well as a large collection of other hardy, half hardy and tender climbers. 

* Buy Quality Plants  * Chat to Tynings Plants * Special Offers on Pots 

Nursery Day at the Pottery

Special Plants Nursery 

Saturday 10th May - 10am to 4pm

Plants for sale at the Pottery by Special Plants Nursery. Derry Watkins grows unusual plants from all over the world including an amazing range of hardy herbaceous and rockery plants as well as many tender perennials for your terrace and conservatory.  

* Buy Quality Plants  * Chat to Special Plants Nursery * Special Offers on Pots 

Nursery Day at the Pottery

Growing Crazy 

Saturday 17th May - 10am to 4pm

Plants for sale at the Pottery by Growing Crazy. Growing Crazy is a small, specialist nursery dedicated to cultivating rare, heritage and unusual Pelargoniums. With a collection of over 400 different varieties, they are passionate about preserving the history and charm of these plants.   

* Buy Quality Plants  * Chat to Growing Crazy  * Special Offers on Pots 


Nursery Day at the Pottery

Phoenix Perennial Plants 

Saturday 24th May - 10am to 4pm

Plants for sale at the Pottery by Phoenix Perennial Plants. Renowned nurserywoman Marina Christopher will be selling a wide range of her unusual perennials. Marina has a fantastic reputation for her interesting plant choices and her focus on plant species that are beneficial to insects and wildlife.  

* Buy Quality Plants  * Chat to Phoenix Perennial Plants * Special Offers on Pots 

Nursery Day at the Pottery

Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants 

Saturday 31st May - 10am to 4pm

Plants for sale at the Pottery by Hardy's Cottage Garden Plants. Hardy’s are breeders of interesting new herbaceous perennials, growing over 1200 plant varieties including many rare species you’ll simply never see in your average garden centre. Hardy’s are winners of 24 RHS Chelsea Gold Medals. 

* Buy Quality Plants  * Chat to Hardy's Cottage Garden Plants  * Special Offers on Pots 

Open Workshop * Woodfired Kiln * Talk by Jim Keeling * Garden Open

Whichford Pottery Open Day 

Saturday 14th June - 10am to 4pm

Open Workshop - See How We Make Our Flowerpots
All day - free and no need to book
A rare opportunity to see the Pottery in full swing - from how we manufacture our own blend of clay to the 'three-pull' throwing technique. Dip in for a whistle-stop tour or take your time and immerse yourself whilst chatting to our team of makers. Special highlights on the day: 
- Adam Keeling demonstrating how to throw two-piece pots in our workshop.
- Dominique Keeling in her studio demonstrating freehand decorating of her glazed sgraffito ware. 

See Whichford's New Woodfired Kiln
Something new and exciting is happening at the Pottery! Jim, Adam and the team have built a game-changing woodfired kiln - big, bold and bursting with potential. Our new six-metre behemoth will be alight and for the first time our customers are invited to see her in action!

A Talk by Jim Keeling - 'Firing Up Tradition'
In his talk, Jim will share the story behind our iconic flowerpots, why keeping traditional skills alive is so important and what the future holds for Whichford. Expect fire, clay and plenty of garden inspiration! 
Talk time: 11.30am for 45 minutes plus time for questions. Free talk. Advance booking essential. 

Jim & Dominique's Garden Open with A Trail of Jim's New Sculptural Work
Jim & Dominique’s much-acclaimed and romantic private garden at the Pottery will be open. Our visitors will also be able to enjoy a first look at Jim's new pieces. 

Jim Keeling Talk Ticket
national garden scheme

Whichford & Ascott NGS Open Gardens 

Sunday 15th June - 1.30pm to 5pm

Jim & Dominique's much-acclaimed and romantic private garden at the Pottery, together with eight other gardens in Whichford and Ascott, will be open for the National Garden Scheme. National Garden Scheme entry fee applies. 

Talk by Kate Bradbury * Rosybee * Windrush Willow

Wildlife Gardening 

Saturday 12th July - 10am to 4pm

A Talk by Kate Bradbury - 'Gardening for Wildlife' 
Award-winning garden writer, broadcaster and wildlife specialist, Kate Bradbury will share her passion for wildlife gardening and will look at ways to create a wildlife oasis in your own garden.  
Talk time: 11.30am for 45 minutes plus time for questions. 
Talk tickets: £25 each. Advance booking essential.  
Kate will also be selling and signing copies of her new book. 

Plants for Sale by Rosybee
Rosybee is an organic nursery that specialises in plants for pollinating insects. All their plants are grown peat-free and without the use of pesticides. 

Windrush Willow
Richard & Sue have been growing willow from their plantation in Exeter since 1999. Choose from a range of their hand-woven baskets, fruit platters, plant supports and much more.

Kate Bradbury Talk Tickets
Whichford Kiln Shed

Throwing Taster Sessions 

Friday 11th April * Friday 9th May * Friday 23rd May

A fun throwing experience in Whichford Kiln Shed aimed at beginners who would like to learn the basics of the 'three-pull' technique from one of our skilled team.

Time: 11am to 3pm.  Tickets: £145 each.  
Only eight places available per session. Advance booking essential. 

Click here for more information and to book tickets >

For a Colourful Spring Garden

Annual Bulb Bonanza 

Friday 19th to Wednesday 24th September - 10am to 4pm

Choose from over 100 different varieties of top quality spring bulbs all direct from our favourite Dutch supplier. All the old favourites plus lots of different and unusual varieties. 

Muscari   Tulips   Allium   Anemone   Iris
Scilla   Camassia   Narcissi   Fritillaria   Crocus   Chionodoxa 

Plus special offers on perfect pots for bulbs.